Thursday, 3 July 2014

Res100 – The Smart and ‘Wicked’ Testosterone Booster

Bodybuilders, weight trainers and many athletes often take supplements to gain more muscle weight. The ever-evolving field of science has witnessed countless advancement in the field of creating bodybuilding supplements to boost testosterone creation in the body. Science continues to show us number of ways that can influence testosterone production through natural means without affecting the endocrine system in a negative way. 

Wicked Supplements is one initiative to help bodybuilders attain that perfect body. You too can leave all your inhibitions about test boosters and dangerous substances behind you. Helping you achieve your goal, testosterone boosters available at Wicked Supplements, especially Res100, will remove all hindrances in your path of achieving the perfect body. 

Majority of testosterone boosters manipulate estrogen level in your body in order to increase testosterone production. The concept is called estrogen manipulation. Estrogen manipulation is simple. Estrogen is made in the body when testosterone converts into estrogen through various aromatase enzymes. Through consumption of various substances, the conversion level of estrogen can be reduced. This way you can trick the brain into thinking that, the estrogen level is low. As a result, estrogen increases, which in turn help accumulate testosterone level.  However, over a period, the body understands the trick and this testosterone booster fails to show positive results.    

However, Wicked Supplements’ Res100 is a beacon of hope. It works by suppressing the estrogen, so that testosterone is boosted. It is also known to improve the testosterone to cortisol ratio. This amazing product works effectively during your post cycle therapy (PCT), thereby helping you cope up with hormonal recovery phase with ease. This means no more “PCT Blues” like depression, loss of sex drive and confidence. 
So, try this smart product right away to get that ‘Wicked’ body and sexual drive!